Yes I know I know...
"Where the hell have you been lester?? how come no update one?"
Well, sooray..I was busy slaying dragons and saving the world.
Now you and I both know that there's no dragons in Christchurch, and the one that's in my pants doesnt count. I'm living the life now man...waking up at 4.30am in the mornings to walk to the city to get a ride at 5.30am to work which starts at 6am. Oh Lester, you work now??
Yeah, you bet that I do. I'm helping out the Christchurch City Council in a City-Wide project that runs for a 2-weeks period. Haibu Imba, Son of Miri City Mayor helping out the Christchurch City Council. I think my dad should come over to have tea with Christchurch's mayor eh? haha well dont get too excited yet. You still don't know the full story yet.
You see, there are 3 types of bins in Christchurch; Red, Green and Yellow. Each one represents a mythical God ; Kali, Odin and Mr Wiggles. So anyway, one day Mr Wiggles says to Odin,
"Hey Odin!"
"Hey Mr Wiggles!"
"So...Why did the chicken cross the road??"
"Hmm....To get away from the slaughter house??"
"What then hmm??"
*Mr. Wiggles drops dead.
And so little Boys and Girls, The lesson today is that, If you ask Odin a question and the given answer doesnt match your answer, Just agree with him because you'll be struck by lightning otherwise.
LOL, sorry about that, sorta got sidetracked...Cuz you know, me and my wild imagination. Really. Wild. Anyways, back to what I was talking about. where was i?? oh right the 3 bins; Green, yellow and Red. Basically my job requires me to infrom the citizens of Christchurch on how ashes and saw dust from treated wood contains arsenic material and they'll have to dispose them into the Red bins, If not, then a muthafucka will come into their bedroom and bumrape them at night. and i 'inform' them by sticking heart shaped stickers onto the Red Bins.
'wait wait wait.....
So let me get this straight...
all that nonsense,
just to tell us that you're sticking stickers on RUBBISH BINS!?"
Well looky looky here, arent you the smart one. haha yeah you got that right! Haibu my dad is going to be sooo proud. "What the fuck happened to Law School Son?". "well dad, FUCK lawschool i hate it." But he doesn't know it lah, and I pray to God that he never will.
But I'm not complaining, cuz Im gonna get like 600+ bucks for 10 days work. It's all for
Melbourne 2010
360 UNCENSORED Edition.
That's Right
Mr Daryll Ooi.
Here I come.
you can start spreading 'em legs now.
and Ms Veronica Pang,
I don't care about your Jet Lag.
Jet Li doesn't get beaten by Jet Lag,
but Jet Li gets beaten by Veronica Pang.
so, therefore You can beat Jet Lag too.
I missed you :)
haha but 600 bucks aint enough man...My air ticket already like 400 bucks. Go Melbourne with NZD 200 meh? Later Mr Daryll Ooi bleed from the ass ok. Im going to try to find more work to do now! hopefully I'll earn enough money for cab money, the most important thing is to get to Daryll's place and then I would be like a fetus implanted in a mother's womb (Daryll) and surviving and feeding from the umbilical cord. Hope your arm heals soon! and dun go breaking the other one....
Don't ask.
I just felt like saying that.