Now y'all are gonna hear about the day I had pancakes.
So anyway, in my attempt to gain 6KG in 4 weeks time while on my stay in Melbourne, one of the many various techniques and methods used is 'The-Eat-Pancakes' Method.
But first, before I start...Let me present to you the new hair style!
"The Lightning Rode"
It's fairly simple to replicate. It's Cool, It's Hip, and It's Pointy.
Guys thinks that it's awesome and Girls thinks that it's sexy.
Model: Julian Law
Say you're walking down a dark alley in the middle of the night.
You hear footsteps.
You quicken your pace.
Shortly, you can hear the footsteps pick up the pace too.
You start to panic for it's obvious that no good ending is to come.
What to do?
What can you do??
You're like a helpless bunny about to be dissected by a form 4 Biology class......
What CAN you do????
No worries, with the lightning rode style, you may have a chance of survival.
How you ask??
Easy. Once you estimated the attacker to be at a 5cm radius,
quickly pretended u drop something and go, "Oops! I dropped something."
Then when he/she/it/they least expected...
you suddenly rise up and impale them with ur pointy tip yes i can impale multiple bodies in on go
Not are they only just suitable for guys.
Model: Caitlin
Chics can totally rock the lightning too~!
That's cuz that she knows that she's safe and secured!
So why are u still with ur usual hairstyle?
Why wait?
Why wait and risk death?
Act now.
Yes. You. Can.
Anyway, enough of that. You want to follow jiu follow, you don't want then when your slowly being stabbed to death by a assailant don't come blaming. I tried to help. But nooo.....
Back to the Pancakes thingy.
Caitlin initiates the first of many pancakes to come. or could it be that someone else is cooking the pancakes just that she ask that person to move aside to take a picture as if SHE's the one who's making the pancakes?
The ice cream was brought out, Chocolates were melted into liquidfied heavenly juices and the table was set. There weren't much pictures of the actual pancakes eating process because everyone was too engaged in the pancakes. and also we don't want the camera to have stains.
BUT, got the after-pictures lah.
Quick Note: Imba is a term use to desribe something that is too overly exceedingly awesome. It's a noun, a verb and an adjective, like the word 'Fuck' and 'Cibai'. But unlike the two mentioned words, Imba supersedes them by having it's own hand gesture which is demonstrated later in the pictures.
So cailtin, how was the pancakes??
What about you Ron? You likey them pancakes?
Goku, what about you? Like the pancakes or not?
Eh SexGod, how's the pancakes?
Eh SexGod, how's the pancakes?
What about me?
IMBA ok!
Adidas no.1. you like it or not?
and I feel like I've grown taller now!
And any imba events wouldnt be completed without some hardcore banana sucking action.
~I will post up a video on the next post about the pancakes ok.