Saturday, July 26, 2008

Today is Sunday

It's Sunday, and the time is now 2.34pm and Im bored to the brink of death.

I woke up at 9.30am, then went to church at 10.00am. After church had lunch with my church friends and got back home around 1.30pm. And from that moment till God knows when, I think Im just gonna sit here and rot. I'm not going to gym today because I dont feel like it. (But what about your workout plan???). Well, fuck it. I'm sick and bored, so Im taking the day off.

I might go and watch the new Batman movie, knowing the fact that there's a high chance that I'll have to walk back home after the movie cause the stupid buses are lazy and wants to pig at night. Oh great, my brother just came online and talked to me, he made a girl cry! hehe! that's my man! lil boy is all grown up eh? and for some reasons, he thinks that the only way to solve this problem is Jelly and Ice cream.

And finally this girl called Cass finally gave me the link to her blog, '' which is mainly about beaches, embarassing moments at hai ma, waking up with the absence of water in the toilet and belly piercings. So INTERESTING MAN!!! lol. There's action! '....almost got thrown into the water somemore ahh.' Romance! '.... for that special someone in my heart... =) ', Humour! 'I fell down at Hai Ma today. wahahahahahahahahahaha... ..', Science Fiction, ' happy today i bought my 3rd book-ECLIPSE....' and many many more! lol...

Anyway, That's all from me today. Hope my boring day ends soon. =) have a nice day.

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