Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Million kisses to Aaron


"If one plus two equals to banana,
and D is the subset of the factor potato,
Then if im not mistaken,
...Ali dan Abu sedang memancing di tepi sungai."-(From a 2007 movie called, 'The Queen of Pain, Quoted from the Queen herself.)

LOL, first of all I would like to give out a million kisses to Aaron Tham for his deep selfless act of kindness. Man, what u see here is an artifact! I thought that it was lost forever, but then last nigth suddenly Aaron pm-ed me.

"hey lester! u want the Queen Of Pain Videos"

"hell yeah!!!"

-Aaron is sending a file.~


~file received.~

haha, I've still got like 4-5 of those videos left, not gonna put them up now, just the trailer. You will see the rest on the next few posts.

So anyway, that's that. Didnt go for the Mountain Biking trip today, the teacher didnt came to school! XD. Cibai that oldman, make me rush like dog to rush my assignment that he lost and didnt even show up to school. Going to have my math test tomorrow, im 90% sure that im going to fail it. Other than that, I'm gonna represent my house, Marlow, in the House Weightlifting Competition and maybe also in the Battle of the Bands. I think that they have a philosophy that if ur an asian, then ur a guitar God. haha, well, I'm not saying that I suck, it's just that i don't really have any band experience....The only experience was last year, and it wasnt even a real one....One retarted guitarist whose head will explode if it excedes the 10cm radius, a 3 years experienced drummer who likes to throw drumsticks, a guy who's only good at playing the intro of 'The Hell Song' and a Guy who dreams to be a Doctor!

But nevermind la, If they want me to play, I'll play! Show them my true might! The Power of the A chord! 'STRANNNGGGGGG.." *strums guitar.

Even though i might suck really bad, It's good for experience. I might join the Church Band too, now only going for the practice, havent actually learnt any songs yet...haha. And that band isnt ur everyday strum-along guitarist with a piano band....It's like a full band, and they are really damn. fucking. good. The guitarist is like a god, me. haha, nah, he's wayy better than me! He has been playing for 15 years and he practises 2 hours a day, more on weekends. The Lead singer is really good too, sounds like Frankie J if u know who that guy is.

Hey hey hey! It's that time of the week again...Friday Basketball matches! LOL! another lost? making the heavenly 7 to a Mighty 8?? or will we rewrite history and emerge as victors? well, i fucking hope that we win this time. We will be playing against Riccarton HighSchool, the match is at 5.50pm at my school. We played them before, on our very very first match! and we lost! XD.That was their Team A, if we were playing against the Team B, i will face one of my church friend! haha.

My homestay came home today, i just found out just now. FINALLY i can start eating decent meals....cibai u know, my diet really fucked up when i came here and i got abit of flu and I got pissy moodswings cuz of this stupid place and the 10 year old retard rasist monster named Sarah Liu. haha, Im gonna go back tomorrow around 5.30pm so now im busy cleaning up their fridges. They have half a bottle of milk left..All the green Apples are gone, leaving only 1 kiwi fruit which Im going to eat in 10 minutes time. They still got like 3 more muesli bar and a few crackers left... guess That Im going on a mission tonight eh?? haha.

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