Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Reasons

"AND LOL LESTER which of those reasons contribute to any of the challenge lolololol"

Since Xiao Rong Weng doesnt know which reasons contribute to any of the challenges, im gonna TELL him every single one. =)

1) He's shorter than me. (height is a major factor in sexyness, if ur a girl, u prefer a midget or a tall lean Spartan warrior?
2) His gym sucks. (You need the proper equipments to get the best possible results and sorry, ur gym doesnt even have a bench press....=(
3)He doesnt take any PROTEIN SHAKE. (You need PROTEINS to build muscles, and from what i think ur eating, u dun get enough!)
4) So far, he only has the program for his chests and back nyea...and if i want to ngiau ci, i wont give him the training program for shoulders....hehe...( You need a good training program that trains every specific part and u need to change the program every 4-5 weeks so ur body doesnt adapt and to achieve super compensation....)
5) He hasnt start a good proper diet yet with the right amount and choices of food. (What you eat and how much you eat is really important, to get sexy u not only have to train, but to eat the right choices of food too, PROTEINS>VEGES>CARBS>GOOD FATS.)
6) He doesnt know the right amount and choices of food. (Cuz you already dun know What kind of food you should eat.)
7) He can't have the right amount and choices of food cause he's not preparing his own meals. (You can't cook,- assumed by me. and You're a lazy boy)
8) My mother loves me more than him (true wad...im her son ok...XD)
9) 3 years ago he challenged me to 1 on 1 in bball for $50 bucks, he lost and till now he havent pay me yet. (and that incident will haunt him for life, knowing tat i beat him before and that i CAN and WILL beat him again..it's all in your head...)
10) He havent finish make my airplane yet.. (Bodybuilding is all about dedication and displine and willpower, u cant even complete my AIRPLANE, tiao, how u wanna accomplish anything at all if u cant even do a simple tasks huh?)
11) His grammar ada sikit problem. Prove: "......and kim, who do u talking you`re talking about huh?short punk."- Daryll Ooi, real hard iron sabertoothtiger, 1 June 2008, 4.37 pm." (He might have trouble understanding and reading the exercise, for instance, the term hyperextensions, Creatine Phosphate, the treadmill and the bench press..lol.)
12) Jordan TING goes to the same gym as him. (tiao...u think ur goin to ZOO ha?)
13) Because im Lester Lai. (What more can I say?)

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